Generally, we call customers for product feedback.
A Few days back, the Procurement Head of a customer surprised us by calling & thanking us for surpassing his expectations.
More than a year back, a real estate company asked us for a more reliable lighting solution for the basement parking lot (of dimension 6 4 4 meters) of a residential tower in one of their projects.
The LED tube lights used by them from a well-known brand had issues like inadequate illumination at the corners. Also, the 24-hour operation led to frequent failures leading to cost & time overruns.
It was a typical case of a square peg in a round hole.
Our ultra-high lumen Kratu fixtures were able to meet their LUX requirement.
The purpose of his call was to inform us that our products have retained their brightness & there has not been any relamping need since installation.
The capital cost of our solution was 3 times that of the tube lights that they were using earlier but the quantifiable saving in replacement cost & non-quantifiable saving in irritation compensated for it.
With him, we are discussing the order of more than twice his earlier order.
We have truly lived up to our tagline "Fit it, Lit it, Forget it".
Many times, a product that is adequate & appropriate (keeping in mind the end-use), automatically becomes affordable. Isn't so.
What is your personal experience in this regard, please share in the comment section. Thank you.